Hamid Bdine is a lawyer, Doctor and Master of civil law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, and has a Bachelor’s Degree in law from the University of São Paulo.
He is a retired judge from the São Paulo Court of Justice, having served in all subsections of private law and in the first chamber reserved for commercial law.
He was a professor of civil law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University from 2008 to 2021.
He has been a guest lecturer at the São Paulo School of Judges and of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, in the postgraduate program.
He is a member of IASP, Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo and of IDIP, Institute of Private Law.
Main publishings:
Código Civil Comentado / Cezar Peluso (coord.), 18ª ed. Barueri, SP: Manole, 2007.
Cessão da Posição Contratual. 2a. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2008.
Efeitos do Negócio Jurídico. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010.
Hamid Neto, founding partner, lawyer, postgraduate in civil procedural law from the São Paulo School of Judges, graduated from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in commercial law from the São Paulo School of Judges. He brings over ten years of legal experience, having previously worked at reputable law firms in São Paulo. He specializes in strategic litigation and advisory
He is a member of IASP, Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo.
He is fluent in English.
Responsabilidade dos administradores das S/A. Direito Empresarial Aplicado, São Paulo, vol. 3, 2023.
A nulidade da sentença arbitral por violação aos limites da convenção. Direito Empresarial Aplicado, São Paulo, v.2, 2022.
A responsabilidade dos condomínios edilícios pela queda de objeto e pela ruína. Opinião Jurídica 9 - Direito Imobiliário, São Paulo, 2021.
Restrições convencionais dos loteamentos: fiscalização e cancelamento Opinião Jurídica 5 - Direito Imobiliário, São Paulo, 2017.
A ineficiência de registros de direitos reais posteriores à falência. Opinião Jurídica 4 – Direito Imobiliário, São Paulo, 2016.
Marta Carvalho is a lawyer, postgraduate in family and succession law from the University Extension Center, graduated from the law school of the University of São Paulo, with extensive experience in civil litigation and family and succession law. She has been part of reputable law firms in São Paulo and, since 2004, has been providing personalized client service.
Laura is a lawyer, postgraduate in civil procedural law at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, and a graduate of the law school of Mackenzie Presbyterian University. She specializes in strategic litigation and advisory.
Giovana is a lawyer, who is currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in fashion law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University and a graduate of the law school of the same university. She works in strategic litigation and advisory.
Marcela graduated from the law school at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. She works in strategic litigation and consulting.
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